Submission ID 106737

Session Title SO - Testing, Modelling and Innovation for Roadway/Embankment Materials and Geotechnical Engineering
Title Design and Validation of 26 km of Geogrid Stabilized Pavement for a Utah State Highway
Abstract or description

The West Davis Corridor is a, 4-lane divided, state highway project North of Salk Lake City, Utah. It connects Interstate highway 15 to Lagacy Parkway in Farmington addressing the growing population and transportation needs of the area. The project was a $500 million dollar design build project where the engineering team and the contractor collaborated on design decisions. The project’s significant scope included the construction of 26 kilometers of embanked highway. One of the project highlights was the innovative use of geogrid to enhance the pavement structure and optimize construction. This resulted in the reduction of ~24,000 tons of Hot Mix Asphalt and replaced 218,000 cubic metres of engineered aggregate with embankment fill. The engineering team used Automated Plate Load Testing to validate the geogrid design. The presentation will outline the design process, and highlight the significant benefits realized including lowered construction cost, reduced construction schedule and a significant reduction in carbon impact. The West Davis Corridor project was completed in early 2024, almost 6 months ahead of schedule.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) A Case Study highlighting the design and construction of 26 kilometers of geogrid stabilized Pavement for a State Highway. The presentation will outline the design process, including the use of innovative testing to determine design values, and highlight the significant benefits realized.
Presenter and/or Author Information Garrett Fountain, Other

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