Submission ID 103385

Session Title DA - Digital Twinning for Transportation Assets
Title Paving the Way to Planless Digital Delivery
Abstract or description

US State Transportation Agencies are working closely with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Industry partners to transform the way agencies design, construct and maintain assets in the US Transportation Industry using planless digital delivery and OpenBIM®.  This presentation will summarize recent US national transportation industry efforts to leverage digital workflows throughout the project lifecycle. US National activities discussed include the following: 
    A summary of the US Transportation Industry Digital Delivery Leadership Meeting held at the 2024 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. This invite-only two and a half hour meeting focused on how the US State Transportation Agencies and industry can more effectively coordinate and collaborate on the implementation of digital delivery and openBIM.  The meeting included representatives from FHWA, various AASHTO Committees (Design, Bridges and Structures, Construction, Asset Management, and Data Management and Analytics), and Industry Representatives (ACEC, AGC, ARTBA, NIBS, and buildingSMART International).  
    Updates on the BIM for Bridges and Structures Transportation Pooled Fund efforts (involving over 20 State Transportation Agencies) to develop national US open data standards for use in throughout the project lifecycle. 
    An overview of the 2024 American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Digital Delivery national survey, highlighting the top risks and opportunities with planless Digital Delivery for engineering companies.
    Recent efforts from the buildingSMART USA to accelerate the adoption of openBIM in the US Transportation industry.
    US State Transportation Agencies progress to date moving to Digital Project Delivery and Model as a Legal Document.  
Several State Transportation Agency efforts will also be highlighted, including an update of Pennsylvania DOT’s agency wide efforts to move to model as the legal document (MALD) and open data standards.  

Presentation Description (for Conference App) US State Transportation Agencies are working closely with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Industry partners to transform the way agencies design, construct and maintain assets in the US Transportation Industry using planless digital delivery and OpenBIM®. This presentation will summarize recent US national transportation industry efforts to leverage digital workflows throughout the project lifecycle.
Presenter and/or Author Information Will Sharp, HDR Engineering, Inc

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