Submission ID 103364

Session Title ST - Transportation Structures
Title Constructability as Design Objective
Abstract or description


Bridge construction is a challenging engineering discipline which requires a very good understanding of technology and structural behaviour. Generally, superstructure type, material, weight, availability of equipment, technical know-how, local conditions, schedule, and much more influence the means and methods of bridge construction. Especially for major and complex bridges, the choice of a cost-effective and reliable erection method as well as a diligent construction engineering approach are paramount for success. But even standard bridges require utmost attention in this regard because each bridge and its surroundings are somehow different.

If a conventional and proven erection method is not obvious and acceptable, the designer must develop and validate at least one feasible erection approach to ensure that the design is constructable. The verification of critical construction stages during the early design phases is an important task to confirm assumptions and allow contractors to confidently bid the project. Late design changes to address constructability flaws must be avoided to keep projects on track.

This paper will discuss various steel bridge projects and describe how the aspect of constructability was already implemented in the conceptual design phases to ensure that the following design and construction phases could be completed without costly revisions or delays. A selection of three different superstructure erection methods is representatively presented to emphasize the importance of this aspect. In all three situations, the overarching goal was to capitalize on synergy and efficiency effects without compromising safety, structural integrity, and durability. Bridge design reliability is only given if constructability is addressed.


Design Reliability and Constructability, Construction Engineering, Progressive Cantilever Construction, Incremental Launching, Span-by-Span Construction, Synergy Effects, Structural Integrity and Redundancy, Failure Mechanism Concept, Value Engineering

Presentation Description (for Conference App) Constructability is an important aspect to validate a new bridge design concept. It is recommended to address this aspect early in the conceptual design phase to keep projects on track. The presentation will discuss three bridge projects to demonstrate how constructability influenced the solution.
Presenter and/or Author Information Matthias Schueller, Parsons Inc.
Ahmed Ahmed, Parsons Inc.

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