Submission ID 103317

Session Title RS - Road Safety Implementation and Assessment
Title Vaughan Safer School Zone Plan
Abstract or description

The need for the development of the Safer School Zone Plan was identified out of the desire for City staff to develop a comprehensive strategy to improve safety and accessibility within school zones within the City. Pedestrians and cyclists are considered to be the most vulnerable road users, with school-aged children being even more vulnerable due to their lesser experience with roadways. The rate of children walking or cycling to school has significantly dropped over the years due to parental concern for the safety of their children as more parents driving their children to school and contributing to the already congested roadways within the City of Vaughan. The vision statement developed for the plan is, “The City of Vaughan strives to provide a safe and barrier free environment in its residential neighbourhoods that encourages children living near its schools to walk, cycle or roll to school.”

The development of the Vaughan Safer School Zone Plan involved conducting a multi-faceted review of school zone safety in the City of Vaughan informed by a background review, site observations at selected schools in the City, a review of traffic and collision data as well as engagement with key stakeholders. As part of this process, an external review of programs, policies, and practices (jurisdictional scan and literature review) and an internal review of the City’s programs, policies and practices was conducted in order to gain a full understanding of school zone safety. A review of school zone safety was also done on site at a selected group of ‘hot spot’ schools that were identified by City staff. Additionally, an analysis of traffic data, speed data, collision data, traffic violations, and active school travel data, specifically at the ‘hot spot’ schools and more broadly, across the entire City relating to schools was conducted. Engagement has been conducted continuously throughout the project timeline with key stakeholders that include City staff, school board officials, principals, and parent councils in addition to selected external stakeholders.

On the basis of the above, findings and recommendations were developed that were targeted at the ‘hot spot’ schools and more broadly, 29 recommendations were identified for improvements to the City’s programs, policies and practices relating to schools. The Vaughan Safer School Zone Plan stands as a pivotal initiative addressing road safety and active school travel, while promoting equity in our communities for vulnerable road users.


Presentation Description (for Conference App) This presentation will share the findings and recommendations that came out of the City's comprehensive Safer School Zone Plan.
Presenter and/or Author Information Jeff Suggett, CIMA+ S.E.N.C.
Sadia Khan, City of Vaughan

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