Submission ID 103316

Session Title TP - Complete Networks—Fitting into the Bigger Picture
Title Summer Streets - Supporting Active Modes from Spring Through Fall
Abstract or description

The Summer Streets Program is a seasonal program which has been in place since 2022 to support vibrant, safe, and healthy communities. The seasonal installation of mobility lanes creates more space for walking, biking, and rolling, and provides a separate space for pedestrians and those travelling faster on bikes and scooters. It makes streets safer and more livable for everyone, and can be used to connect to Edmonton’s network of shared pathways and bike routes along with commercial area and the river valley. 

The program consists of 3 routes encompassing 3.2 kilometres. The routes are implemented each year in early May and removed in late fall, depending on the weather conditions. The pedestrian, bike and motor vehicle activity along the routes are monitored each year and are combined with public input to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. 

Along Summer Streets, a vehicle lane is converted for people to use for physical activity. Temporary flex posts are installed to separate mobility lanes from vehicle traffic so people can bike, scoot, roll and walk comfortably and safely in a separate lane. The speed limit on the adjacent roadway is reduced to 40 km/h where the lane is not separated by a median. Temporary ramps are set up at the access points, allowing pedestrians, bikes, strollers, wheelchairs and other wheeled devices to move from the curb to the street pavement or vice versa.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) The Summer Streets Program is a seasonal program which has been in place since 2022 to support vibrant, safe, and healthy communities. The seasonal installation of mobility lanes creates more space for walking, biking, and rolling, and provides a separate space for pedestrians and those travelling faster on bikes and scooters. It makes streets safer and more livable for everyone, and can be used to connect to Edmonton's network of shared pathways and bike routes along with commercial area and the river valley. 
Presenter and/or Author Information Mike Pylko, City of Edmonton

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