Submission ID 103271

Session Title CO - Technologies for Utility Coordination
Title Utility Management in Design Build Transit Projects
Abstract or description

Utility Management in Design Build Transit Projects

Abstract by

Richard Morales, M.Eng. P.Eng (Arcadis),

Beny Lau P.Eng (Metrolinx),

Pengcheng Ge, EIT,(Arcadis)

 Zeeshan Haider, P.Eng. (WSP) and

Blaine Hunt, P.Eng (T2 Utility Engineers)


In the realm of designing and executing substantial transit initiatives in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), addressing utility conflicts proves pivotal, as it can profoundly affect both schedule and cost. The challenges stem not only from the technical intricacies but also from navigating the complex of governance structures and obtaining consent from the multiple stakeholders.

This presentation provides an overview of processes used in transit projects in the GTA that have been utilized for overall management of utilities in an effort to reduce schedule delay risks and coordination with multiple stakeholders. The presentation will discuss due diligence processes involving important tools such as field investigations and development of a Utility Conflict Matrix (UCM), a tool that meticulously records the attributes of identified potential conflicts.

This presentation will utilize experiences from the past with regards to obtaining approvals, relocation of critical infrastructure, schedule analyses and identification of preparatory activities that de-risks potential delays. It will exemplify effective methods for managing, analyzing, and efficiently resolving utility conflicts, shedding light on strategies that enhance overall project success.  

A deliverability strategy assessment can be used to make decisions about best utility relocation options to avoid multiple utility relocations or ease subsequent relocations in future contracts and minimizes delays, impact to local residents, community and cost impacts.    

Recent project examples will be discussed with references to the Transportation Association of Canada Guide to Utility Coordination on Public-Private Partnership (P3) Projects.


Presentation Description (for Conference App) Utility Management in Design Build Transit Projects is a complex subject that requires multi stakeholder engagement. Stakeholders include municipalities, utility companies, developers, railway companies, residential and commercial residents and must obtain consents and deliver approvable utility relocation packages to all agencies.
Presenter and/or Author Information Richard Morales, Arcadis
Zeeshan Haider, WSP Canada Inc.
Benny Lau, Metrolinx
Blaine Hunt, T2 Utility Engineers Inc.
Pengchegn Ge, Arcadis

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