Submission ID 103246

Session Title MO - Innovative Support Systems for Maintenance & Operations
Title Improving Road Lifecycle Management by Comparing Activities and Costs through Canadian Infrastructure Benchmarking
Abstract or description

Managing road assets is a critical and complex task for asset owners, who face persistent challenges in achieving cost efficiency and effective resource allocation. These challenges are further intensified by the need to align these management efforts with the community's evolving expectations.

This presentation underscores the role of benchmarking in boosting the efficiency and effectiveness of road asset management processes. Key benchmarking areas include the allocation of resources for operations and maintenance across both winter and summer periods, timing for rehabilitation and reconstruction, capital renewal activities, and capital reinvestment rates. The presentation also delves into aspects of cost allocation, identifying funding sources for road projects, and essential financial strategies for efficient infrastructure management. It also incorporates service quality into the benchmarking framework, using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to connect customer feedback with the effectiveness of lifecycle activities. The significance of process benchmarking is highlighted, particularly with initiatives like the nationwide road capital reinvestment project scoring approach, which promotes the adoption of best practices and fosters knowledge sharing.

The findings emphasize that effective benchmarking is crucial for improving road lifecycle management in Canadian municipalities. The Canadian Infrastructure Benchmarking program is presented as a key tool, offering actionable insights for decision-makers and infrastructure planners. This program help municipalities achieves a balance between managing lifecycle costs and enhancing service levels. Additionally, the study showcases the transformative impact of benchmarking in promoting best practices, optimizing resource allocation, and altering perceptions among the public and staff through strategic communication.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) Explore how benchmarking enhance road asset management in Canadian municipalities, focusing on resource allocation, cost efficiency, and enhancing service levels through the Canadian Infrastructure Benchmarking program
Presenter and/or Author Information Devin Sauer, AECOM Canada Limited

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