Submission ID 103159

Session Title DA - Transportation Data and Analytics
Title Expanding Transportation Smart City Communications
Abstract or description

Construction is now complete on the Fort Street All Ages and Abilities (AAA) cycling route, a 2.7 kilometre east-west connection from Cook Street to Foul Bay Road.

In addition to protected bike lanes, the project delivered several essential updates and upgrades to improve safety and comfort for all road users and added scope to expand digital communications to the traffic signal central management system.

The project is delivering new fibre and radio communications to five signalized intersections to expand the central network. The city is harnessing camera technology to count and classify different modes of transportation and monitor an intersection using a Pan Tilt Zoom camera. 

Additionally, 1.7km of road was repaved including seven new or upgraded crosswalks, updated traffic signals at six intersections, two new EV fast-charging stations, eight new trees and public seating. Painted bike lanes on Foul Bay Road and an upgraded bicycle crossing at Goldsmith Street are also included in the project.

The City of Victoria maintains approximately 150 traffic signals within its municipal border.  The City of Victoria has approximately 8 traffic signals that share a border, 5 of which are maintained by the City of Victoria. 

In 2007 BC Transit partnered with the City of Victoria to install transit signal priority along Douglas Street, a frequent transit network which included installing fibre optics to 13 traffic signals along the corridor.  This fibre optics connects to City Hall and Public Works along Gorge Road.  Since completing the Fort Street Project, the city has approximately 20% of our traffic signal online and we are working towards getting all of our traffic signals onto the central management system. By getting all of the traffic signals online we will be able to monitor the health of our

As part of the bike network projects, and with major underground infrastructure renewal projects, like Blanshard Street disaster mitigation funding project, the Gorge Road Bike project and the recent Fort Street East bike project, the city is taking every opportunity to add fibre, radio and communications to the project scopes. 

The Fort Street East Project which recently completed will add 5 more intersections to our traffic signal central management system.  And, in 2025 8 more will come online after the Gorge Bike Project. 

Presentation Description (for Conference App) The City of Victoria is expanding its communications to the traffic signal central management system. The traffic signal system is leveraging major corridor improvement and bike network projects to add smart city fibre and radio communications.
Presenter and/or Author Information Nick Armstrong, City of Victoria

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