Submission ID 103138

Session Title AM - Cost-Effective Asset Condition Data Collection and Monitoring
Title Yukon Highways and Public works approach to highway surfaces evaluation and modelling
Abstract or description

There are unique challenges in the Northern Environment with regards to the collection of asset data caused by the size of the network, capacity for replacement from local teams and cost for services. This requires a dynamic approach to asset condition collection, evaluation of this data and using the data to inform the prioritization of asset replacement. 

In the evaluation of the highway surfaces and culverts network in the Yukon, previous methods have relied on staff expertise of conditions across the network to dictate the repairs and replacements in support of asset management. To develop better consistency and accuracy on long term financial modeling, in-line with individual asset management plans, automation is being incorporated to evaluate International Roughness Index (IRI). Full automation is not practical , as there are inefficiencies due to the size of the network(350km of Pavement and 2000km of BST). This makes the use of a system such as laser crack measurement (LCM) outside the financial capacity of the Yukon's asset inspection program.

In the absence of automated data collection via LCMs or another similar system, staff inspections are carried out to get robust data that can inform long-term financial planning and aid in decision modeling. The inspection guidelines are written to collect information that informs on current condition, and components that have a modeled deterioration curve to aid in long term forecasting. Additionally, these factors are used to evaluate the type of asset replacement, whether it is a full replacement, or a smaller repair. Given the high cost of work in the northern environment, modelling greatly favors early intervention to 

The combination of the two approaches, automated collection of IRI, and staff evaluation provide a dynamic model that reflects the state of the infrastructure and provides the necessary information for long term forecasting. 

Continued improvements include refined modeling of sections experiencing permafrost degradation, and an approach that proposes solutions based on the financial efforts for replacement, as well as maintenance of deteriorating sections. 

Presentation Description (for Conference App) This presentation will cover the Yukon Highway and Public Works methods for asset data collection and modelling as it pertains to Highway Surfaces.
Presenter and/or Author Information Patrick Mahoney, Yukon Highways and Public Works

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