Submission ID 103099

Session Title GD - All Highways Great and Small: Interchanges, Major Facilities and Two-Lane Highways
Title A Comprehensive Review of Over-dimensional Vehicles in Transportation Systems: Bridging Design and Operational Perspectives
Abstract or description

This comprehensive review offers an in-depth examination of the unique challenges posed by large-sized and oversized vehicles within transportation infrastructure. Drawing from existing literature and practices, the paper synthesizes insights from both design and operational perspectives to provide a holistic understanding of how over-dimensional vehicles are treated in the context of planning, design, and operations.

With a primary focus on planning, design, and operations, this paper delves into the fundamental concepts of design vehicles and control vehicles within the framework of road infrastructure. It explores the existing body of knowledge surrounding the treatment of over-dimensional vehicles, shedding light on the complexities inherent in accommodating these specialized vehicles within the existing transportation system, and also provide considerations for planning and design of new roadway infrastructure.

In the realm of design, the paper reviews key considerations during planning and design of proposed roads, bridges, intersections, and parking facilities. Emphasis is placed on geometric parameters and load-bearing capacities, with a critical examination of how these considerations evolve when addressing the unique requirements of large-sized and oversized vehicles.

The operational perspective addresses the intricacies of route planning and logistical coordination necessary to streamline the movement of oversized cargo while minimizing safety risks. The regulatory requirements will be discussed for practitioners to recognize how over-sized vehicles reviewed and permitted when using the transportation system, and what enforcement measures are available to minimize risk of violations.

In conclusion, the review offers examples from different jurisdictions, showcasing design and operational practices. This information equips planners and designers with valuable tools to effectively incorporate over-sized vehicles into roadway design and operations, ensuring a safer and more efficient transportation system.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) This comprehensive review offers an in-depth examination of the unique challenges posed oversized vehicles within transportation infrastructure. Drawing from existing literature and practices, the review synthesizes insights from both design and operational perspectives to provide a holistic understanding of how over-dimensional vehicles are treated in planning, design, and operations.
Presenter and/or Author Information Simon Li, Tetra Tech Canada Inc.

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