Submission ID 103014

Session Title DA - Transportation Data and Analytics
Title Balancing Rigor and Budget: A Counter Validation Methodology for Traffic Collection Programs
Abstract or description

As the number of technologies available for transportation data collection increases, more and more counters are being installed and used for decision making. However, a critical, but not often talked about, component of traffic data collection technology is validation of the counter’s outputs. There is limited guidance on how to do this, particularly when lower volume (cyclist counters) and lower accuracy (cyclist and pedestrian counters) are involved.

As part of managing a traffic collection program at the City of Vancouver, a counter validation methodology has been developed that balances rigor with the realities of limited budget. The methodology:

  • is applicable on high and low volume counters
  • catches common failure modes of counters
  • provides accuracy statistics
  • Is reasonably easy to explain to a non-technical person
  • sets minimum accuracy thresholds that are achievable
  • and is technology agnostic.

This methodology also leverages the data already being collected for validation to increase counter accuracy via the NCHRP site specific correction factor method. This presentation will walkthrough the general process of this validation methodology.

This methodology is designed to be simple enough for organizations with limited technical capacity to use. It can be used as a reference by other cities and organizations to validate their traffic data collection technology and ensure that the data collected is accurate and reliable.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) How to ensure your fleet of traffic counting devices are working accurately for an affordable price
Presenter and/or Author Information Erik Bonderud, City of Vancouver

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