Submission ID 103003

Session Title AT - Cycling Solutions: Designing Transformational Facilities
Title NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide Update (3rd Edition) Overview
Abstract or description

A decade has passed since the release of the 2nd edition of the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide in 2014. Wide-scale adoption of best practices in that resource has forever transformed cities and transportation systems across North America. In that time, there has also been a dramatic change in our understanding of bikeway operations, safety, comfort, and user experience. Innovation, evaluation, and research have continued, and an update was needed to refine the guidance to reflect recent practices, address new conditions, and respond to the increasing demands placed on bikeways in our cities.   Join us for this exclusive overview of the new edition of the Urban Bikeway Design Guide (released this month) for a closer look at the key takeaways for the next generation of on-street bikeways. Find out what you need to know about this latest update, what’s changed, and how to apply the latest and greatest bikeway design guidance in your community.  

Presentation Description (for Conference App)
Presenter and/or Author Information Derek Abe, Alta Planning + Design, Canada - Inc.
Cary Bearn, Other

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