Submission ID 103987

Session Title RS - Road Safety Implementation and Assessment
Title Enhancing Motorcycle Safety in Ottawa: A Data-Driven and Consultative Approach
Abstract or description


In light of concerning statistics that revealed a disproportionate involvement of motorcyclists in fatal collisions, the City of Ottawa initiated efforts as part of their 2020-2024 Road Safety Action Plan to improve the safety of these road users. Based on a review of collisions between 2017 and 2021, motorcycle riders were involved in 12% of fatal collisions despite making up a significantly smaller proportion of road users. In addition, the number of motorcycle collisions experienced a 32% increase compared to the previous iteration of the RSAP (2012 to 2016). These findings emphasized the need for a focused and actionable strategy to mitigate safety risks for motorcycle riders on Ottawa’s roads.  

Ottawa’s Motorcycle Safety Strategy focused on identifying potential safety issues that motorcycle riders experience on roads and provides applicable and actionable countermeasures that could be implemented in the next five years to mitigate those issues. The goals of the plan were to provide a data-driven and consultative approach to improving motorcycle safety on Ottawa’s roads. The study components that informed this strategy included a thorough collision analysis and a best practices review. The plan also incorporated stakeholder consultation, engaging key parties such as the Motorcycle Working Group, Ottawa Police Service, and City staff to gain insights into safety challenges and gather feedback for potential solutions. Finally, the strategy focused on countermeasure Development, aiming to determine actionable and appropriate measures under the 3 E's - Engineering, Education, and Enforcement. 

The presentation will provide a summary of the key study findings and recommendations to support decisions on road safety initiatives for the City of Ottawa. By prioritizing motorcycle safety and embracing a holistic approach, Ottawa is taking a proactive step toward improving the well-being of its motorcycling community and reducing the risk of collisions on its roads. 

Presentation Description (for Conference App)
Presenter and/or Author Information Alexandre Nolet, True North Safety Group
Pedram Izadpanah, True North Safety Group

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