Submission ID 103968

Session Title IT - Unlocking the Power of Data for Transportation Investment Planning
Title Data Driven Investment Planning - Case Study for Birmingham City Council
Abstract or description

Investment planning plays a crucial role in optimizing and upgrading infrastructure networks to meet sustainability and performance goals. Data-driven approaches have become increasingly vital in making informed investment decisions. This abstract examines the importance of data in investment planning and highlights the case study of Birmingham City Council's transportation delivery plan optimization, led by Arcadis.

Data-driven investment planning enables efficient allocation of resources and maximizes the impact of investments. By leveraging comprehensive datasets and advanced analytics, decision-makers can gain insights into various factors such as economic viability, environmental impact, and social benefits. Sound data analysis allows for the identification of optimal projects and the development of investment strategies that align with specific goals and constraints.

The case study of the Birmingham Transport Plan Delivery Plan demonstrates the application of data-driven investment planning in the optimization and upgrading of their transport network. The council embarked on an ambitious journey to become a leading green city, aiming to reduce carbon emissions and improve public health. To achieve these goals, the council utilized an innovative approach, considering outcomes across multiple dimensions like net-zero targets, health improvements, economic growth, and accessibility.

Through the collaborative use of data and stakeholder engagement, Birmingham City Council assessed a long list of schemes and identified a preferred package of interventions. This approach involved evaluating various scenarios, considering costs, resource availability, and customer impacts. The use of data-driven decision-making facilitated the selection of projects that aligned with the council's objectives, ensuring effective utilization of resources.

Continued support from data-driven investment planning allows for the ongoing evaluation and adjustment of investment strategies. By incorporating the latest data, scheme benefits, and constraints, investment plans can be updated to reflect evolving circumstances. This iterative approach ensures that investments remain aligned with the council's objectives and responsive to new funding opportunities.

In conclusion, data-driven investment planning is essential in optimizing infrastructure networks to meet sustainability and performance targets. The case study of Birmingham City Council exemplifies the successful application of data-driven approaches in optimizing their transport network. By leveraging data, advanced analytics, and stakeholder collaboration, the council identified and prioritized projects that aligned with their goals. The continuous evaluation and adjustment of investment strategies based on data insights enable effective resource allocation and the realization of sustainable outcomes.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) Investment planning plays a crucial role in optimizing and upgrading infrastructure networks to meet sustainability and performance goals. Data-driven approaches have become increasingly vital in making informed investment decisions. This abstract examines the importance of data in investment planning and highlights the case study of Birmingham City Council's transportation delivery plan optimization, led by Arcadis.
Presenter and/or Author Information Gregory Earp, Arcadis

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