Submission ID 103893

Session Title TO - #InnovativeTrafficControl
Title Optimizing Automated Speed Enforcement in Community Safety Zones
Abstract or description

In 2020, numerous Ontario municipalities effectively implemented the Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) program in Community Safety Zones to address speed-induced collisions. ASE is an emerging traffic management approach that uses speed cameras to automatically detect speed violators. To prevent road users from becoming accustomed to the presence of speed cameras, most cities relocate the speed cameras periodically. However, this approach presents a significant challenge in determining the optimal duration of enforcement at each location and prioritizing which areas should be targeted first.

The development of the ASE Logistics Tool marks a significant advancement in urban traffic management strategies that aid city planners in formulating comprehensive and long-term ASE strategies. Its core functionality lies in assisting with the strategic deployment of cameras, taking into account the intricate details and limitations inherent in CSZs. The tool leverages current data and proposed plans to generate detailed analytical reports for each targeted location and ward. These reports include predictions of speed violations prevented and tickets issued, providing invaluable insights for effective enforcement planning.

A notable deviation from conventional data visualization dashboards, the ASE Logistics Tool introduces a dynamic feature enabling the simulation of various hypothetical scenarios. This aspect allows users to manipulate variables such as planning durations, cycle lengths, the total number of cameras, and specific camera restrictions per ward. Additionally, the tool offers two distinct optimization models for camera allocation: one model focuses on prioritizing locations based on CSZ criteria scores, while the other adopts a data-driven approach, predicting ticketing trends for each road segment within these zones. The outcomes of these optimizations are comprehensively displayed through maps, charts, and plots, illustrating estimated statistics for each cycle, ward, and the entire city. The tool also facilitates the generation of detailed reports in a downloadable PDF format.

Extending beyond mere ASE scheduling, this tool aligns seamlessly with the City of Vaughan's Move Smart initiatives. It incorporates panels for 'Watch Your Speed' (WYS) programs and CSZs, aiding planners in refining these zones and adjusting segment scoring thresholds. This feature ensures a focus on the most critical segments and updates maps and statistics accordingly.

In essence, the ASE Logistics Tool is designed to enhance the efficiency and decision-making confidence of city planners in implementing ASE programs. Looking forward, there is considerable potential for this tool to evolve into a unified platform for the municipality's safety plans, thereby automating policy implementation and urban traffic management.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) Explore how the ASE Logistics Tool is transforming urban traffic management. Discover its dynamic simulations, predictive analytics, and potential to automate safety plans. Enhance your understanding of this innovative tool's role in prioritizing safety on our roads.
Presenter and/or Author Information Mandana Hedayati, York University
ghazaleh mohseni, York University
mehdi nourinejad, York University
peter park, York University

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