Submission ID 103840

Session Title TP - Strategic Land Use and Transportation Planning
Title Facilitating Land Use and Rapid Transit Project Integration in Metro Vancouver
Abstract or description

In 2014, the Mayors of the Metro Vancouver region approved a ten year regional transportation plan.  Within the plan was a new requirement for partnership agreements for all new major capital projects.  A key component of the partnership agreement is a Supportive Policies Agreement, or SPA.  A SPA is an agreement between TransLink (Metro Vancouver’s regional transportation and transit agency) and the municipality receiving the investment.  The agreement includes commitments by all signatories for actions which are outside the direct scope of the project, but which will contribute towards the project’s success.


The first SPA was signed in 2018 between TransLink and the City of Vancouver for the Broadway Subway Project (currently under construction).  The Broadway Subway Project SPA has contributed towards a collaborative working relationship between TransLink, the City of Vancouver and monitoring partners (Metro Vancouver and the Province of BC) and ensures all signatories are working toward shared goals including climate change, sustainable transportation, housing and economic development. This presentation will provide an overview of the Broadway Subway Project SPA negotiations, content, ongoing monitoring and outcomes. The presentation will also include what we’ve learned through SPA implementation, how SPAs have evolved over time as well as a look into the future of SPAs within Metro Vancouver. 

Presentation Description (for Conference App) A Supportive Policies Agreement (SPA) is an agreement within Metro Vancouver used to facilitate cross-agency collaboration to ensure the success of major transportation investments. This presentation provides an overview of the Broadway Subway SPA between TransLink and the City of Vancouver including the role of the Province of BC.
Presenter and/or Author Information Ian MacPhee, City of Vancouver
Angus Beaty, TransLink
Kate Mukasa, British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

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