Submission ID 103733

Session Title AT - Cycling Solutions: Designing Transformational Facilities
Title Granville Connector: transforming a freeway-style bridge to include an all ages and abilities greenway in the heart of Vancouver
Abstract or description

This presentation tells the story of Vancouver’s Granville Bridge, and its metamorphosis from an eight-lane, highway-oriented bridge to include an all ages and abilities greenway in the heart of the city. After years of planning and design, the Granville Connector is currently under construction, and is one of the most ambitious and transformative infrastructure projects in recent memory.

 Constructed in 1954 to connect high speed freeways that were never built, the original design presents significant safety and accessibility challenges in today’s urban context. These challenges include narrow sidewalks with steps that restrict access for people with disabilities, uncomfortable pedestrian crossings across high speed ramps at either end of the bridge, and a complete lack of cycling infrastructure.

 Improving active transportation conditions across the bridge has long been a priority for the City, and is essential to help meet ambitious mode share, climate, and safety targets. Significant planning, engagement, and design efforts took place in 2019-2020, resulting in the near-unanimous approval of the Granville Connector concept. 

 The design takes advantage of excess road space by reallocating two travel lanes to create wide, protected space for walking, rolling and cycling. A thoughtful and creative design approach is being used to address structural limitations and retrofit the freeway-style ramps into an urban context that prioritizes safety and comfort for all modes of transportation. 

 The interim design currently under construction will provide essential connectivity and accessibility improvements, while laying the groundwork for future enhancements such as means prevention fencing, art, lighting, seating, and placemaking features to create a special place for people of all ages and abilities.

 Upon completion, the project will address a major gap in the city’s active transportation network and serve some of the densest areas of the city. This presentation will provide a holistic overview of the project, including historical and policy context, planning and engagement, and design and delivery.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) This presentation tells the story of Vancouver's Granville Bridge, and its metamorphosis from a highway-oriented bridge to include an all ages and abilities greenway. After years of planning and design, the Granville Connector is currently under construction, and is one of the most ambitious and transformative infrastructure projects in recent memory.
Presenter and/or Author Information Paul Krueger, City of Vancouver

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