Submission ID 103711

Session Title MO - The Transformation of Maintenance & Operations Culture
Title Transforming Outdoor Public Spaces and Creating a Vibrant Culture in Edmonton's Four Seasons
Abstract or description

In 2023, the City of Edmonton launched new Vibrant Streets Programs to support communities and businesses in creating inviting outdoor public spaces. The Vibrant Streets Programs increase the vibrancy and liveability of our City’s streets while supporting creativity, diversity and positive placemaking. The programs encourage themes that relate to pride, diversity and inclusion, Indigenous awareness and designs that beautify outdoor spaces and reflect Edmonton’s diverse communities. Vibrant Streets Programs include: 

  • Decorative Crosswalks and Alleyways Program
  • Decorative Traffic Control Boxes Program
  • Patio Program on Public Spaces

Decorative Crosswalks and Alleyways Program
This program is available to Business Improvement Areas (BIAs), community groups and businesses where they can design a decorative crosswalk or alleyway which provides an opportunity to increase the vibrancy and liveability of our City’s streets and alleyways. In 2023, 24 decorative crosswalks and alleyways were painted with local artwork from the community.

Decorative Traffic Control Boxes Program
This program is available to Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) to coordinate artwork/designs for decorative traffic control boxes. This program engages communities to build a sense of belonging, while reducing instances of graffiti. In 2023, 74 traffic control boxes were wrapped in artwork from the community. As well, a city-wide artwork contest was launched to promote the new program, inviting Edmonton residents of all ages and abilities, and encouraging them to become involved in their community.

Patio Program on Public Spaces
Restaurants, bars and cafes were invited to participate in the new Patio Program on Public Spaces to use City streets, sidewalks and alleyways to create temporary outdoor patios. The Patio Program was refreshed in 2023 with exciting updates including an extended 4 year Licence of Occupation for businesses, an option for seasonal or year-round patios, new requirements for parklet and full sidewalk patios with a focus on accessibility and improved aesthetics of temporary traffic control. The program transformed City road right-of-way into spaces where people can connect with each other and support local businesses. As well, a Traffic Barrier Mural Project was initiated to bring vibrancy to the traffic control of the patio (i.e. the jersey barriers and mini barriers). Artists were hired to paint these barriers, some fitting a theme proposed by the BIA, which promoted positive placemaking. In 2023, 79 businesses participated in the Patio Program and we anticipate more will apply in 2024.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) Edmonton's new Vibrant Streets Programs have increased to vibrancy and liveability of City streets, sidewalks and alleyways. Learn how to increase vibrancy in all seasons with positive placemaking, while leveraginge existing assets and infrastructure.
Presenter and/or Author Information Jenny Albers, City of Edmonton
Laura Contini, City of Edmonton

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