Submission ID 103689

Session Title TP - Innovations in Transportation Analysis and Modelling
Title Truck and Drone Last-Mile Delivery Planning - Drone Sidekick Tool
Abstract or description

The final leg of the supply chain, known as last-mile delivery, involves transferring goods from distribution centers to the final recipient. This leg is essential yet costly, constituting about one-third of the total delivery cost. The goal of both logistics companies and customers is to achieve efficient and cost-effective delivery, necessitating innovative solutions for urban and remote areas.

Recent advancements in autonomous vehicles, particularly drones, are revolutionizing the logistics industry, with various pilot studies suggesting that these autonomous mediums could handle up to 80% of deliveries in the next decade. Drones offer advantages to last-mile delivery as they can avoid congested road networks and following direct aerial trajectories, particularly in remote suburban areas, thereby traveling at higher speed while decreasing inner-city traffic. Successful drone delivery pilots such as Amazon Prime Air, DHL's parcelcopter, and Zipline's medicine delivery have demonstrated the effectiveness of drone delivery in diverse situations. However, drones come with their set of operational limitations, such as limited carrying capacity and flight range. Combining trucks and drones in a hybrid fleet could provide the required flexibility for an efficient delivery system while leveraging the benefits of drone inclusion.

A significant gap has been identified in the current literature on truck-and-drone delivery, which is the availability of platforms and interactive tools that address real-world routing challenges and facilitate the integration of drones into delivery fleets. To bridge this gap, our study focuses on developing the "Drone Sidekick Tool," a truck-and-drone delivery planning tool designed to assist logistics firms in planning efficient drone-assisted deliveries. This tool features an operational optimization model that considers the fleet structure of the logistics company and the operational constraints of drones, including their limited flight range and speed. Additionally, it addresses the synchronization of trucks and drones to minimize energy and fuel waste.

This model is implemented on real-world maps and helps develop optimal routing strategies in various scenarios. The result is an interactive map that enables delivery companies and policymakers to manage delivery routes and fleets efficiently. The 'Drone Sidekick Tool' is user-friendly and scalable, suitable for logistics firms of various sizes. It is adaptable to multiple delivery situations, making it a valuable resource for companies looking to upgrade their last-mile delivery tactics. By using this tool, logistics companies can expect a more streamlined delivery process, reductions in operational costs, and enhanced delivery time efficiency.

Presentation Description (for Conference App)
Presenter and/or Author Information Bahar D Viniche, York University
Mehdi Nourinejad, York University

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