Submission ID 103664

Session Title CC - Driving to Net Zero: What Are Organizations Doing to Achieve Their Goal?
Title MOTI's Comprehensive Approach to Active Transportation
Abstract or description

The Province of BC has set out ambitious emission target reductions in its CleanBC Plan. This includes a goal of 30% of all trips to be taken using sustainable modes by 2030. To achieve these targets, the Ministry of Transportation is approaching active transportation in a comprehensive, integrated, and multi-modal way.

This presentation will provide an overview of the Ministry’s approach to active transportation. The Ministry has recognized that making meaningful changes in the built environment to shift travel modes requires a broad, wrap-around approach to behaviour change. As such, the Ministry has developed a set of interventions to address the many determinants of mode shift. Its approach includes: data-informed decision-making, infrastructure, programs, education, legislation, data and evaluation.  Additionally, the Ministry’s work is highly collaborative, building partnerships across divisions in the Ministry, across government, transit and ferry agencies, non-profits, and with Indigenous and local governments, recognizing that each partner plays a vital role in encouraging and enabling more people to walk, cycle, or roll. The Ministry has also developed a portfolio of education and encouragement programs targeting a wide range of audiences to complement these infrastructure investments and further support active transportation uptake. In this session, we will present successes, challenges, lessons learned, and next steps as the Ministry continues to grow and evolve its clean transportation program.

Presentation Description (for Conference App)
Presenter and/or Author Information Kate Berniaz, British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
Adam Krupper, British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

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