Submission ID 103661

Session Title MM - Power Struggle: The Challenge of Soaring Demand for Curbside Charging Infrastructure
Title Electrifying the Curbside: Planning Tools and Solutions to Make the Most of Curb Space
Abstract or description

The curbside has been quite a topical word the last few years, with a constantly growing demand occurring for this limited resource. Whether it be commercial vehicles, cyclists, restaurants, or pedestrians, everyone is looking for their share of the curbside. Electric vehicles are now another contender for this space – curbside EV charging infrastructure is popping up across cities throughout North America. But with this emergence in technology comes some problems for cities from both a planning and operations perspective.

Firstly on the planning side – cities have a limited understanding of their curbside. They may not even know where all their paid or free parking spaces are, never mind where to locate curbside charging spaces. This planning process is relatively ad hoc and is decided upon with very little information. Then once these stations are operating the city doesn’t have the ability to monitor them, so no one is aware if they are a success or a waste.

Jacob Malleau, Product Manager for CurbIQ, will present on some of the solutions out there to address some of these issues cities are facing. Visualization and analytics software can help cities get a better understanding of their curbs and make more informed decisions on expanding EV infrastructure. With climate change becoming an ever growing issue, making the right decisions on green initiatives will become more and more important, so cities should make the right moves now to create a better city space for years to come.

Presenter Bio: Jacob brings over 7 years of systems design experience, policy background, and data analytics perspective to help integrate many of Arcadis’s existing practices with the tech-based solutions they are pushing forward. Working with Arcadis’s Intelligence and Product teams, Jacob has applied these skills on various transportation projects, ranging from curbside management to transportation demand analytics. In particular, he has been heavily involved on CurbIQ, with a specific focus on the product design and management as well as the data and systems integration involved.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) Jacob Malleau, Product Manager for CurbIQ, will present on some of the solutions available to cities to better plan and operate EV charging infrastructure at the curbside.
Presenter and/or Author Information Jacob Malleau, Arcadis

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