Submission ID 103639

Session Title MO - Innovative Support Systems for Maintenance & Operations
Title Implementation of Blue Lights on Highway Maintenance Equipment
Abstract or description

Over the last decade multiple jurisdictions across Canada and the US have introduced blue lights on to maintenance equipment to improve visibility to the road user and reduce collisions with maintenance equipment.


Maintenance contractors are noticing increased traffic, driver distraction, aggression and increased disregard for worker safety, which is resulting in collisions with maintenance equipment, leading to extensive injuries, expensive repair costs and significant equipment down time.  As such they are pushing for the move to use a combination of amber and blue lights.


The science of colour shows blue lights to have greater visibility because they have a higher frequency and shorter wavelength of light. Shorter wavelengths of light have the least absorption. Blue lights propagate the furthest  from the source in snow giving drivers more time to respond therefore increasing safety.


Over the last decade research projects and trials have taken place into use of blue lights on maintenance equipment.  A total of 7 provinces / territories in Canada have implemented the use of blue lights and others are interested in making the change.


Analysis is ongoing into methods of gathering evidence-based statistics, the challenges faced with implementation and pros and cons from those jurisdictions where blue lights have been implemented. This topic is beneficial for those interested in considering blue lights, reviewing their application, and others interested in the current status.

Presentation Description (for Conference App)
Presenter and/or Author Information Heather McClintock, WSP Canada Inc.
Chrissie Spicer, WSP Canada Inc.

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