Submission ID 103608

Session Title DA - Digital Twinning for Transportation Assets
Title Unleashing the Power of Digital Twinning for Curbside Regulations
Abstract or description

As a Curbside Data Integrations Analyst at CurbIQ I bring over three years of experience in the dynamic world of curbside data collection and standardization. Within the scope of my responsibilities, I have configured seamless integrations with third-party technologies, including sensors, payment systems, and cameras. These systems ingest occupation data and combine it with CurbIQ's comprehensive curbside data inventory. My duties extend to developing APIs that facilitate the dissemination of curbside data in the industry standard CDS format.

This presentation will explore the rapid evolution of digital twin technologies, focusing on their immediate impact and long-term potential in revolutionizing the parking industry. a critical component in transportation systems. Such technologies present opportunities for enhanced system planning, digital visualization, and optimized signage management.

The session will explore the practical implementation and results achieved through projects leveraging digital twin applications. Starting with the complexities of curbside data collection, including innovative methods like curb-level surveying and mobile mapping, we'll discuss their benefits and challenges.

Curbside data standardization will then be reviewed as a crucial step to ensure that collected data can be maintained, analyzed, and shared, not only by municipalities as data owners but also by third parties and the public. Current data standards like CDS can adapt to different levels of granularity of curbside data to define parameters of a single space, a curb block, or other custom areas.

The discussion will extend to collecting usage data for real-time insights and historical analysis that can lead to better planning of infrastructure. Technologies such as automated payments, cameras and sensors can provide this dimension of information about the curbside. Security considerations, integral to the success of digital twinning initiatives, will be unpacked, offering attendees a comprehensive understanding of safeguards for responsible and ethical data usage.

Furthermore, the discussion will extend to the broader spectrum of using this digital twin of data in day to data operations by all curbside users. The possibilities are revolutionary – envisioning applications like Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) utilizing curbside regulation and occupancy data to reserve parking spots, calculate arrival times, drop off passengers, and vacate spots for others.

As transportation infrastructure becomes increasingly interconnected, this presentation aims to inspire municipalities to adopt digital twin applications. Attendees will gain valuable insights into how digital twinning can propel their transportation systems into the future, fostering innovation, collaboration, and sustainable growth.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) This presentation will delve into the realm of curbside digital twins, revolutionizing urban spaces. It will explore real-world applications and benefits, covering data collection intricacies, standardization, and technology integrations for real-time and historical insights. Learn about CDS data standards, security measures, and envision revolutionary applications in optimizing curbside operations.
Presenter and/or Author Information Stefanny Perez, Arcadis

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