Submission ID 103564

Session Title GD - Urban Design Challenges: Accessibility, Vision Zero and Complete Streets
Title Neighbourhood Area Traffic Studies - Paving the way to safe and comfortable streets
Abstract or description

The City of Vaughan is a fast-growing municipality with diverse neighbourhoods and unique challenges. The City commits to providing a transportation network that is safe, supports mobility, and encourages active and sustainable transportation. The City has undertaken in-depth traffic operations and road safety reviews at a community level to identify local issues, enhance road safety for all users, and set trends for livable streets.

The Lawford Area is a denser neighbourhood immersed within a busy Regional network with numerous schools and parks. The community expressed concerns about traffic volumes and infiltration. Studies assessed vehicle speeds, traffic volumes, and road safety for vulnerable users.  An implementation plan recommended treatments to reduce operating speeds, school-related congestion, and programs and infrastructure to encourage active and sustainable travel.

The Athabasca community is a sparser lower-density community with concerns related to speeding and safety. The completed study provided recommendations including a community-based strategy to increase public awareness and encourage responsible driving. Measures include pavement markings, mobile message devices, and speed display devices placed at strategic locations. Pedestrian facilities to create comfortable streets were identified. Data collected before and after showed compliance to speed limits, and positive feedback from the community.

Napier Street is a collection of residences nearby a tourist destination, being Kleinburg Village. Napier Street is located nearby a commuter corridor with challenges related to its historic nature. The road safety review included roadway characteristics, traffic operations, and the Napier Street and Stegman’s Mill Road intersection geometry. Recommendations included countermeasures to manage speeds and improve traffic operations. The partial closure of the Napier Street and Stegman’s Mill Road intersection was recommended to increase safety and manage local, commuter, and tourist traffic.

Block 61 West is a recently occupied community consisting of low-rise dwellings, schools, and parks. Residents concerns have grown regarding driver speeds, traffic volumes, and the need for accessibility. Block 61 West presented challenges in recommending solutions for roadways not yet assumed. Investigations conducted included driver speeds, traffic volumes, all-way stop-control, cycling facilities, on-street parking, and pedestrian crossovers. Recommendations were coordinated with the developer for new all-way stop-signs, cycling facilities, on-street parking, and enhanced pavement marking.

The four Studies all encountered unique challenges resulting from built form, land uses, and transportation networks. The Studies demonstrate evaluation and recommendation of solutions for varying contexts, highlighting the lack of a universal approach, and how data are critical to ensuring effective solutions are recommended.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) The City of Vaughan is a fast-growing municipality with diverse neighbourhoods and unique challenges. The City commits to providing a transportation network that is safe, supports mobility, and encourages active and sustainable transportation. The City has undertaken in-depth traffic operations and road safety reviews at a community level to identify local issues, enhance road safety for all users, and set trends for livable streets.
Presenter and/or Author Information Margie Chung, City of Vaughan
Samar Saadi Nejad, City of Vaughan

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