Submission ID 103541

Session Title GD - Unconventional Intersections and Roundabouts
Title Roundabouts for Pedestrians and Cyclists
Abstract or description

This presentation will discuss pedestrian and cyclist experience at roundabouts, and how they compare to signalized intersections.


Most roundabouts in Canada are designed in accordance with geometric design principles initially established in the United Kingdom.  In general these principles are focused on providing sufficient motor vehicle capacity within a relatively small footprint.  This has resulted in roundabouts where the needs of pedestrians and cyclists are not always given enough consideration.


The components of the pedestrian experience at intersections are statistical level of safety, the feeling of safety (security), convenience, and accessibility.  Roundabouts are statistically safer for pedestrians, but they don’t always feel as safe, and they are not as accessible to persons with vision loss.  This presentation will focus on aspects of the geometric design of a roundabout, and specific treatments, that can improve pedestrian safety and security such as elements from protected intersections and turbo roundabouts, outer truck aprons, and aesthetic surface treatments (i.e. asphalt art).  It will also discuss what can be done to increase accessibility, including an audible message for rapid flashing beacons (RFBs) at pedestrian crosswalks that says, “Yellow lights are flashing, yellow lights are flashing”.


The components of the cyclist experience are similar to those for pedestrians, and this presentation will provide an overview of cyclist safety at roundabouts.  This will include what design treatments can increase safety, and the trade-off between safety and convenience considering the guidelines for cyclists at roundabouts in the latest Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM) Book 18.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) Roundabouts don't always feel safe for pedestrians, and they are not as accessible. This presentation will focus on aspects of the geometric design of a roundabout, and specific treatments, that can improve the pedestrian experience. It will also provide an overview of cyclist safety and convenience at roundabouts.
Presenter and/or Author Information Phil Weber, CIMA+ S.E.N.C.

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