Submission ID 103527

Session Title TO - #InnovativeTrafficControl
Title White Alert: A Digital Multi-Channel Vision for Scalable Intersection Safety
Abstract or description

The USDOT is running an intersection safety challenge asking the industry to come up with bold and innovative concepts for vulnerable road user safety technologies. The White Alert system concept was a winner of a Stage 1A $100,000 prize and is now undergoing prototype testing in competition for a $1M Stage 1 B prize. The USDOT anticipates deploying one of the winning concepts at more than 100,000 intersections in the United States, representing about one third of all signalized intersections. 

The White Alert concept is an open digital standard that any agency or company can implement to detect the probability of an imminent injury crash and then initiate a program of risk mitigation responses tailored to the predicted risk scenario. These responses include traffic control modifications as well as a family of distinct standardized alerts unified by a white perimeter theme, delivered through digital signs, digitally illuminated crosswalks, digital signals, mobile phone applications and vehicle infotainment systems. 

This presentation will summarize the futuristic White Alert concept paper covering its 5-layer architecture, supporting technologies and infrastructure elements, progress on prototype testing, the larger picture of the USDOT competition, and the inspiration drawn from the Amber Alert system for the White Alert concept.

Presentation Description (for Conference App)
Presenter and/or Author Information Craig Milligan, Other

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