Submission ID 103512

Session Title MM - Revamping TDM: Adapting to the New Normal
Title Change is Opportunity: How TDM is Evolving in a Post Pandemic World
Abstract or description

Transportation Demand Management (TDM) has long been acknowledged as a vital strategy for promoting sustainable modes of transportation and eliminating vehicle-kilometers traveled.

The pandemic has brought about a seismic shift in commuting behaviors, with remote and hybrid work becoming integral components of the current white colar professional landscape. As a result, TDM strategies must adapt to remain effective in encouraging sustainable transportation choices while also shifting from focusing mostly on the downtown white colar worker to other kinds of workers including seasonal, blue collar, and rural employees. The first part of this session will explore innovative approaches that public agencies, employers, and individuals can employ to navigate the challenges posed by the transformed work environment.

One significant focus of the session is on transit's recovery in the post-pandemic era. The enduring impacts of remote work and hybrid schedules have led to shifts in transit ridership patterns, posing challenges for traditional public transportation systems. We will present a case study where a robust transit marketing campaign and a TDM program/Transit provider partnership in Connecticut led to an increase in ridership while thinking outside of the box.

Additionally, the session will address the emergence of micromobilipty as both a challenge and opportunity. As individuals seek flexible and personalized commuting solutions, micromobility options such as e-scooters and bike-sharing programs have gained prominence. The session will explore how TDM strategies can embrace and integrate micromobility solutions into the broader transportation framework, providing attendees with practical insights into optimizing these modes for sustainable mobility using two bike share case studies in Boston and Burlington, Vermont. Boston seeing record breaking ridership during the pandemic while Burlington, Vermont experienced procurement struggles and growing pains. 

Through case studies, success stories, and a forward-looking perspective, this session aims to equip participants with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complex intersections of TDM, remote work, transit recovery, and micromobility. As the world adapts to a "new normal," this session underscores the importance of flexible, innovative, collaborative and sustainable TDM strategies to shape the future of transportation in an ever-changing landscape.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) This session seeks to delve into the evolving landscape of TDM and its enduring relevance in the "new normal," marked by the lasting impacts of the pandemic on travel patterns, remote work, and the resurgence of micromobility through a mixture of case studies and a look at TDM trends.
Presenter and/or Author Information Emily Becker, AECOM Canada Limited

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