Submission ID 103501

Session Title RS - Road Safety Implementation and Assessment
Title Safety and Operational Review of 6th Concession, Uxbridge
Abstract or description

Sixth Concession is a two-lane rural road with a rolling vertical profile. Several residents expressed concerns regarding the safety of their driveways due to limited sight lines and speeding concerns.   

The existing vehicular speeds and collision history of 6th Concession were provided by the Town of Uxbridge while the roadside hazards information was obtained as part of the project data collection.  The driveway locations and vertical sight lines were confirmed using high-precision GPS data and the publicly available Digital Terrain Model.   

The study determined the most at-risk locations and recommended conflict detection for the hidden driveway locations. A Speed Limit Review was conducted using the Transportation Association of Canada’s (TAC) Automated Speed Limit Guidelines where the speed limit recommendation was ultimately declined due to poor compliance to date. 

Presentation Description (for Conference App) Sixth Concession is a two-lane rural road with a rolling vertical profile. Several residents expressed concerns regarding the safety of their driveways due to limited sight lines and speeding concerns. The existing speeds, collision history, sight distance and speed limits were reviewed and Conflict Detection systems recommended to improve safety for residents.
Presenter and/or Author Information Joseph Gowrie, Safe Roads Engineering Inc
Brad Porter, Safe Roads Engineering Inc

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