Submission ID 103498

Session Title AT - Cycling Solutions: Designing Transformational Facilities
Title St. Boniface to Downtown Walk Bike Project (City of Winnipeg)
Abstract or description

St. Boniface is a densely populated residential neighbourhood in Winnipeg and is in close proximity to downtown, making the neighbourhood a hot spot for walking and cycling. St. Boniface is also a commercial and entertainment district, making it a destination for people all over Winnipeg. Furthermore, St. Boniface includes a trucking route (Provencher Boulevard) that connects Winnipeg’s downtown to the east side of Winnipeg. As a result, there are a variety of users of the transportation system in this area, with different priorities for the road network.

As part of the St. Boniface to Downtown Walk Bike Study, WSP and the City of Winnipeg developed a preliminary design for the cycling network in St. Boniface to connect to the existing cycling network and Downtown Winnipeg. The study included an analysis of existing conditions; development and evaluation of various route options; public engagement; preliminary design for the recommended route; and cost estimate. Key considerations included parking and loading (including accessible loading zones); pedestrian and cyclist safety; traffic operations; transit and trucking operations; designing for interactions between different modes; and stakeholder and public input. The recommended cycling route included the main commercial corridor through St. Boniface (Provencher Boulevard) which presented both opportunities and challenges, as there were space limitations, operational issues and safety/accessibility concerns that needed to be addressed. The resulting cycling network design transforms Provencher Boulevard by recommending various cycling treatments (protected bicycle lanes, protected intersections, bicycle boulevards and multi-use paths) and balances the needs of the various users of the transportation network.

This presentation will provide an overview of the project and highlight the unique opportunities and challenges associated with retrofitting a commercial and trucking corridor to include both pedestrian and cycling infrastructure. The presentation will focus on design challenges associated with designing protected intersections in constrained environments and accessible design considerations for bus stops and loading zones.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) This presentation will describe the opportunities and challenges in retrofitting a commercial corridor to include cycling infrastructure in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The presentation will provide an overview of the preliminary design which recommends various cycling treatments, including protected bicycle lanes and intersections, accessible design considerations, bicycle boulevards, and multi-use paths.
Presenter and/or Author Information Jaime Lacoste, WSP Canada Inc.

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