Submission ID 103480

Session Title AT - Trails and Active Transportation Networks
Title Vision landing: A tale of Moncton's active transportation and trail network
Abstract or description

Moncton is currently the largest and fastest growing municipality in New Brunswick, which presents great opportunities and challenges to improving the urban form and transportation network. At the same time, a societal shift is taking place from a focus on maximising efficiency for vehicular road infrastructure to developing a transportation network that is accessible and safe to all people walking, rolling, taking public transit or driving cars. Real world examples show that communities with pedestrian-oriented development and connected active transportation routes are vibrant places where people want to live.

Moncton has had great success in building trails for recreation and mobility with approximately 79 kilometres of trails located in parks and connecting some parts of the city. The next steps for our city are to connect our active transportation corridors and linear recreation trails to destinations where people want to go. Connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists is more than just the fastest routes. True connectivity is determined by the pleasantness of route, exposure to heavy traffic and whether a trip requires crossing a dangerous road.

Our presentation will discuss Moncton-specific challenges, such as narrow right of ways in much of the city, and the environmental constraints of living by a tidal river, to building an active transportation network that can provide maximum connectivity with the lowest possible traffic risk exposure to maximise usability by all potential users. We will also talk about our active transportation toolbox and engagement with the local community.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) Moncton is the fastest growing municipality in New Brunswick with success building trails for recreation and mobility. Moncton aims to connect its AT corridors and trails to destinations. We will discuss Moncton-specific challenges to building an active transportation network that can provide maximum connectivity and usability for all potential users.
Presenter and/or Author Information Leslie Tse, City of Moncton

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