Submission ID 103476

Session Title TP - Transportation and Health Equity
Title Surrey Langley SkyTrain Project's Equity and Inclusion Framework
Abstract or description

In 2018, a newly elected provincial government in British Columbia committed to advancing gender equality by working to have it reflected in all budgets, policies, and programs. Since then, there has been evolving effort to adopt a Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)* approach to reduce barriers and limitations for equity-seeking groups of people to participate fully in communities, workplaces, government programs and services, and daily lives.

The GBA+ tool helps to inform policy and budget decisions to assist in meeting principles of equity, including consideration of the impacts and outcomes of infrastructure investments, which serve as an essential foundation for public services.

Affordable, reliable, and accessible transportation, especially public transit, is an essential lever to increase equity for many communities by providing (improved) access to jobs, housing, education, and key services like healthcare and childcare. As such, it is essential that diverse voices are considered in project planning, delivery, and operation.

The Surrey Langley SkyTrain Project (“Project”) is a 16-kilometre extension of Metro Vancouver’s existing Advanced Light Rapid Transit further into municipalities south of the Fraser River that are among province’s fastest growing municipalities and home to very diverse populations (ethnically, linguistically, socio-economically, age and abilities, and so forth). The Project is set to transform these communities, in particular, as it improves transportation options to better connect the region, fosters transit-oriented development, advances shared objectives on sustainability, and creates jobs and economic growth.

Accordingly, we developed a comprehensive, and iterative Equity and Inclusion Framework, and associated Engagement Plan, to guide the planning, design, and delivery of the Project. The Framework outlines how the Province will act on its commitment to deliver a project that is inclusive, accessible, and responsive to the diverse needs of the communities it will serve.

The presentation will provide:

  • Project description (set against the backdrop of the regional landscape and local demographics)
  • Overview of the Province of B.C.’s GBA+ program
  • Examination of the Project’s unique Equity and Inclusion Framework and associated Engagement Plan, including consideration of some of the opportunities (such as requirements for Project Contractors through the Project Agreement) and constraints (like data collection and reporting) in its development and implementation through each of the project phases
  • Conclusion on how this equity engagement and analysis work supports public policy objectives and considerable investments in rapid transit, and how it may be applied to other major infrastructure projects in other jurisdictions.
Presentation Description (for Conference App) As a provincially- and federally-funded project, SLS is subject to Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) planning and delivery considerations and reporting. As such, we have developed a robust Equity and Inclusion Framework, using GBA+ as a foundation.
Presenter and/or Author Information Alexis Pavlich, British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

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