Submission ID 103465

Session Title RS - Road Safety Implementation and Assessment
Title Comparison of Systemic Safety Review Methodologies - York Region Case Study
Abstract or description

The traditional network screening component of the Road Safety Management (RSM) process has been successful in objectively identifying and prioritizing collision "hot spots"; however, it has some limitations due to its reactive nature, relying on historical collisions and dependency on accurate traffic volume data. The Systemic Rod Safety (SRS) process, developed by the FHWA, addresses these limitations by focusing on collision risk factors common to locations with specific collision types. This proactive approach identifies potential safety treatment sites even without target collision history.

This study evaluates two alternative SRS methodologies: (1) the core SRS methodology outlined in the FHWA's Systemic Safety Project Selection Tool and (2) an enhanced methodology presented by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). The core methodology identifies risk factors based on collision over-representation, while the enhanced approach incorporates these factors as independent variables in a Safety Performance Function (SPF), offering a more robust statistical assessment.

The application of these methodologies in the York Region Traveller Safety Plan (TSP) is a key focus of this study. The SRS process here aimed to identify and address safety issues not based on individual collision histories but by analyzing networkwide collision trends associated with common risk factors. This involved a detailed comparative analysis of the core and enhanced methodologies, examining their outcomes and effectiveness in identifying high-collision potential sites.

The study's findings highlight the significant overlap in top-ranking locations identified by both methodologies, indicating their complementary nature. However, the enhanced methodology demonstrates superiority by accounting for the overlap in risk factor impacts and providing unique ranks for each location, leading to more nuanced and accurate results. Furthermore, a comparison with network screening results reveals the complementary nature of these approaches, underscoring the need for a multifaceted strategy in road safety analysis.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) This paper evaluates two alternative SRS methodologies: (1) the core FHWA methodology and (2) an enhanced NCHRP methodology. The core methodology identifies risk factors based on collision over-representation, while the enhanced approach incorporates these factors as variables in SPFs. The performance of these SRS approaches is explored in this paper.
Presenter and/or Author Information Jike Wang, CIMA+ S.E.N.C.
Nelson Costa, Regional Municipality of York
Ali Hadayeghi, CIMA+ S.E.N.C.
Ben Kos, Regional Municipality of York
Soroush Salek, CIMA+ S.E.N.C.

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