Submission ID 103454

Session Title MO - The Transformation of Maintenance & Operations Culture
Title Decorative Crosswalks Supporting Local Communities and a Healthy Work Culture
Abstract or description


The City of Edmonton regularly maintains pavement markings, including an extensive network of bike facilities. Through the Paint Program, 550 kilometres of traffic lanes and 1,200 crosswalks are refreshed in the spring and fall on a priority basis. This work contributes to a safe transportation network by providing clear traffic control for all users. 

Over the past few years, there have been a growing number of initiatives that have made use of decorative crosswalk pavement marking treatments to highlight and reimagine street crossings as an important extension of the public realm and for placemaking. As such, decorative crosswalks may be incorporated into the pedestrian markings and include various elements such as colour, imagery and patterns. 

Within Edmonton, the decorative crosswalk initiatives began in 2015 when temporary rainbow crosswalks were installed at four locations in support of the LGBTQ2s+ community as part of the Edmonton Pride Parade. Decorative crosswalks gained further popularity as they were incorporated into the community activation programs as part of the Safe Mobility program. Most recently in 2023, the Vibrant Streets program was launched with the use of decorative crosswalks, along with decorative traffic control boxes and temporary patios, and has been successful in helping Edmonton’s communities make outdoor spaces more beautiful, vibrant and inviting.

 Decorative crosswalks have provided staff the opportunity to further apply their talents, and expand their skills and creativity, which has resulted in a strong interest from staff in working within the pavement marking maintenance and operation area. This interest has further increased, as these treatments have become more prominent in our communities. This is shown in the staff’s strong commitment in contributing to the development of the programs, assessment of locations, and in assisting applicants with the decorative crosswalk designs. As the demand for decorative crosswalks has recently significantly increased, staff have shown great initiative in working together to improve the safety and efficiency of the installations through adjustments to the installation processes and the use of more innovative equipment. This great work has been acknowledged internally through various newsletters and blogs, and externally through the kudos received by staff from community groups, including Thank You cards from elementary students.

Through the installation of decorative crosswalks, we are able to support local communities and build a healthy work culture, one paint stroke at a time.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) The Edmonton pavement marking maintenance and operation area installs decorative crosswalks to support a number of initiatives successfully helping communities make outdoor spaces more beautiful, vibrant and inviting. This work provides opportunity for staff to expand their skills and creativity. As a result, staff interest has grown in this area.
Presenter and/or Author Information Bow Sanderson, City of Edmonton

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