Submission ID 102999

Session Title TP - Complete Networks—Fitting into the Bigger Picture
Title Towards Vision Zero - An Integrated Policy Approach to Safe and Equitable Mobility
Abstract or description

A safe, healthy, and equitable transportation system is a priority for Saanich.


This presentation will explore the integrated and multi-faceted approach that Saanich is taking to elevate road safety through a comprehensive policy framework that includes: the Official Community Plan, the Road Safety Action Plan, the Active Transportation Plan, and the Speed Limit Establishment Policy. Key objectives of the discussion will be to highlight alignment among these various policy documents and outline the direction that Saanich is taking to create a complete transportation network that supports sustainable mobility for everyone.


Achieving meaningful and lasting improvements to road safety will require a system-wide response – one that starts with a holistic policy framework to build support and guide strategic actions on the ground.


The Saanich Official Community Plan establishes important policy links between land use and transportation planning – making the case that compact communities allow people to use active transportation and transit more often. Thus, lessening reliance on private vehicles, which improves safety and reduces GHG emissions. 


Building on the direction in the OCP, in 2022, Saanich Council adopted Vision Zero and through development of the Road Safety Action Plan, the District is seeking to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries while ensuring safe, healthy, and equitable mobility for all road users.


Saanich's Active Transportation Plan is a 30-year document to guide investments in active transportation infrastructure and programs. This plan further builds on the policy direction in the OCP and is a key tool to support implementation of a multi-modal transportation network. By prioritizing infrastructure improvements and programs, this Plan is moving Saanich forward with a vision to create a connected and convenient walking, rolling, and cycling network.  


Last, but not least the Speed Limit Establishment Policy is another important tool within the policy framework that enables Saanich to assign safe speed limits based on the design and function of different roads. Research shows that higher speeds increase the risk of a crash and the likelihood that a crash will result in a serious injury or fatality. Reviewing and lowering speed limits is necessary to improve road safety and make communities more livable for everyone.


Through this presentation, attendees will gain a better understanding of Saanich’s integrated policy approach to safe and equitable mobility.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) This presentation will explore the integrated and multi-faceted approach that Saanich is taking to elevate road safety and ensure equitable mobility for everyone through a comprehensive policy framework.
Presenter and/or Author Information Troy McKay, Other

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