Submission ID 102998

Session Title TF - Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure: From Strategy to Maintenance
Title Beyond Bus Bulbs: Evolution of Transit Priority Measures in the City of Vancouver
Abstract or description

In the City of Vancouver, increased bus priority measures are key to promoting sustainable transportation modes and meet its climate emergency targets. In 2020, changing travel patterns presented an opportunity for rapid implementation of transit priority infrastructure, including new bus lanes and curb extensions for in-lane bus stops (known as bus bulbs).

While the interim bus bulbs were implemented quickly, they presented challenges for maintenance and durability. The first iteration of interim bus bulbs was made of asphalt and wooden planks, which began degrading quickly in Vancouver’s damp climate. In response, Vancouver developed and implemented an improved bus bulb design with an extended lifespan. The new design uses reinforced concrete edges for improved durability, while still being constructible within a short timeframe.

After four years, this has resulted in a growing collection of interim transit priority infrastructure that needs maintenance and an eventual plan for replacement. A significant challenge for this program is finding funding for upgrades to permanent infrastructure in a context where public transit agencies have a significant revenue shortfall. The presence of interim transit priority measures adds to this challenge because funding is now needed for the removal of interim infrastructure in addition to the construction of permanent infrastructure.

This presentation will share Vancouver’s lessons learned from previous transit priority projects and show how these are being applied to upcoming projects. It will include aspects of the City’s unique data collection and monitoring plan to determine the effectiveness of this interim infrastructure and what changes are needed in permanent versions. Finally, it will show how these learnings have been applied to the development of Vancouver’s new standards and guidelines for bus priority infrastructure.

Presentation Description (for Conference App)
Presenter and/or Author Information Carol Kong, City of Vancouver
Benjamin Corbett, City of Vancouver

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