Submission ID 102992

Session Title TP - New Approaches to Decision Making, Evaluation and Monitoring
Title Identifying a Novel Solution to Address Western Canada's Most Significant Trade Bottleneck
Abstract or description

The New Westminster Rail Bridge (NWRB) is critically important to the transportation trade network of the Lower Mainland, British Columbia, and Canada. The bridge accommodates a significant portion of trade volumes passing through the Lower Mainland, and is one of only two rail connections over the Fraser River between the continental rail network and major Port of Vancouver facilities on the North and South Shore trade areas. The bridge has been described by some stakeholders as the most critical trade bottleneck in Western Canada.

The single track swing bridge was constructed in 1904, and although it has been maintained and upgraded over the years, major upgrades will eventually be required to keep it in service. The bridge regularly opens to allow the passage of marine vessels (which have right of way over rail traffic), and as a result, the bridge is available for rail traffic only 18 hours a day (75% of the time). The bridge is being utilized near practical capacity today.

Volumes over the NWRB are anticipated to increase from ~40 trains per day currently to more than 60 trains by 2050 based on Port of Vancouver growth projections. Marine volumes are forecast to increase under the bridge as well, reducing rail capacity further.

This presentation covers the HDR study of the NWRB and the Lower Mainland rail network, including recommendations to help mitigate capacity issues near the bridge. The study assessed the ability of the bridge and surrounding network to accommodate projected rail and marine volume increases, and recommended a preferred solution to help mitigate this critical bottleneck.

Many options were identified and assessed, with two options shortlisted as potential solutions to accommodate growth. One option was an in-kind replacement of the existing bridge with a new double track bridge over the river near the existing location. An alternative option was developed that included a new double track rail bridge further upstream on a completely different alignment, while maintaining the existing NWRB with structural upgrades. This alternative was found to provide a multitude of capacity, rail operation, resiliency, and public benefits.

This presentation by HDR and Transport Canada will provide a summary of the study. It will focus on underlining the importance of the bridge to the Lower Mainland trade network, why the recommended option provides significant benefits over previously identified alternatives, and potential next steps regarding this critical piece of trade infrastructure.  

Presentation Description (for Conference App) The New Westminster Rail Bridge (NWRB) is critically important to the transportation trade network of the Lower Mainland, British Columbia, and Canada. This presentation by HDR and Transport Canada will summarize the study conducted to identify a preferred replacement for the bridge.
Presenter and/or Author Information Jeff Simpson, HDR Engineering, Inc

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