Submission ID 102925

Session Title CC - Tools for Assessing Climate Resilience for Transportation Projects
Title Climate Change Impacts on Urban Transportation and Drainage Design Considerations to Sustain Climate Resilience
Abstract or description


Global climate change has resulted in accelerated sea level rises, extreme weather conditions, and melting glaciers. In many cities across Canada, rapid population growth along with an increase in the frequency and intensity of precipitation events call for urban planners and policy makers to prioritize mitigation and adaptation measures. Climate resilience for transportation projects generally refer to a measure of how rapidly the transportation infrastructure component can recover to its previous level of functionality following a disruptive event. This concept is still relatively new to many engineers, planners, and policy makers, yet it is becoming increasingly important to consider and assess. Many approaches have been adopted in urban transportation design to build resilience on existing vulnerable assets and new development.

This presentation will present some of the latest findings from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report with a focus on the Climate Resilient Development chapter. The results will shed light on the adaptation measures of drainage infrastructure due to climate change for many urban transportation projects such as roadways, highways, public transport stations, airports, etc. The design factors for bridge and culvert crossing due to the impact of increased flows will be discussed and stormwater best management practices (BMPs) will be introduced.

Presentation Description (for Conference App)
Presenter and/or Author Information Amin Owrangi, AtkinsRéalis
Yolanda Fang, AtkinsRéalis

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