Submission ID 102855

Session Title TP - Complete Networks—Fitting into the Bigger Picture
Title Victoria's All Ages and Abilities active transportation network - rapid implementation with great results!
Abstract or description

The City of Victoria is nearing completion of a priority All Ages and Abilities (AAA) active transportation network that is paying dividends with increased cycling and walking, safer streetscapes, and improved quality of life for residents and visitors. The network not only addressed cycling conditions but took a complete streets approach to elevate multi-modal level of service, tackle infrastructure renewal needs, provide new landscape and public realm enhancements and see some great results in a short time. 

AAA Network investments from 2017 to present has included over 32 km of AAA road safety investments including protected bike lanes, shared use neighbourhood bikeways and advisory lanes, off-street multi-use pathways, extensive intersection safety improvements, tons of new pedestrian crossings, many new public plazas, and has placed 93.5% of the municipality within 500 m of an AAA corridor to provide clean, seamless mobility options for all. 


Over the course of the AAA network build-out, the City has seen a mobility culture shift in support of more walking and cycling investments.  Since 2011, we’ve seen the cycling mode share triple to 13% and pedestrian mode share is up to 31% of trips. Vehicle trips and ownership is declining, transportation based GHG emissions have decreased 27% since 2007 and road safety is up with pedestrian incidents down 55% and cyclists incidents down 35% from 2015. 


While there is lots to highlight and share, there are some key themes that have lead to the successful implementation of our connected, convenient and comfortable AAA network, including the following:

  • Inter-disciplinary project team including engineering staff, urban designers, land-use planners, landscape architects, parking staff, engagement staff, business liasons, emergency services, etc resulting in projects addressing multiple objectives
  • Robust and multi-phased engagement process to inform design approach and rationalize design trade-offs resulting in context sensitive design solutions 
  • Network phasing priorities to establish a minimum grid of connected AAA facilities in the downtown core where demand was high and safety was a top issue - resulted in tackling the tough stuff first and building momentum
  • Innovative design approaches including advisory bike lanes, street closures and diversions, various types of protected bike lanes, reverse protected intersections, unique signal phasing, and creative use of space to find a balance amongst street use priorities 

Victoria's AAA network is great example of how to acheive sustainable mobility objectives and we would love to share our story at the TAC 2024 conference with others!




Presentation Description (for Conference App) Victoria All Ages and Abilities active transportation network has delivered a plethora of innovative design solutions through a series of complete street projects that has transformed Victoria. Come learn about how to plan, design and deliver a robust active transportation network that can see fantastic results in a short time!
Presenter and/or Author Information Tim Hewett, City of Victoria

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