Submission ID 102837

Session Title TP - Transportation and Health Equity
Title Integrating Health into Transportation Planning
Abstract or description

In early 2021, Urban Systems was funded by Health Canada to examine the current state of efforts to integrate and consider health in planning processes – including transportation planning and design, and based upon this research develop an easy-to-use guide that would serve as a resource for planning, engineering, and public health staff to understand how and when they could effectively support each other in creating healthier built environments.


Through this project, the project team at Urban Systems was able to connect with built environment and public health professionals from across Canada and gain valuable insight into effective approaches to considering and quantifying health in various types of planning processes. These resources are currently being shared by both the Canadian Institute of Planners as well as the Federation of Canadian Municipalities as valuable guidance for their members seeking to design and develop healthier communities.


In this informative session, Jamie Hilland (Urban Systems) will discuss their observations and lessons learned through the development of these resources, as well as practical applications for their role as a Transportation Planner. This interactive workshop will provide an overview of what health means in communities and within the context of transportation planning, designing, and decision-making. Our team will provide an overview of our previous work with Health Canada, including a guided review of the Integrating Health in Planning guide, and other methods to consider health implications in your next transportation plan or project. 

Presentation Description (for Conference App) Come learn about the Health Canada funded project to help built environment professionals understand effective approaches to integrating health into thier planning and design processes.
Presenter and/or Author Information Jamie Hilland, Urban Systems Ltd.

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