Submission ID 102811

Session Title MM - Power Struggle: The Challenge of Soaring Demand for Curbside Charging Infrastructure
Title The Challenges of Predicting Public Charging Demand in Different Environments
Abstract or description

There is a growing demand for more EV charging in public settings, however understanding the level of demand, how public chargers will be used and how to operate a charging location are all still emerging fields of study. This session will explore some of the techniques that Cities and municiaplities have used in North America to assess demand, the challenges and variables that impact modeling exercises and how growth in ownership could impact future years. Thepresentation will include discussion on modeling exercises conducted for public sector organizations sch as the City of Toronto, City of Saskatoon, Arizona State and MaComb County. The presentation will talk about how modeling has evolved and what key decisions from a policy point can impact the demand and subsequent decision and operation of a public facing charging network.

The session will then discuss how public charging has been deployed in a number of locations and how a balance of on and off street charging location types have been used to meet demands. The presentation will include discussing the merits and considerations when choosing charging infrastructure location siting such as, infrastructure size, security and proximity to amenities. Effective charging infrastructure needs to consider not only utility connectivity, but also who will use the infrastructure, their expectations for the service and what may influence usage patterns.

Presentation Description (for Conference App) An exploration of modeling approaches used to forecast public charging demand and what factors are important in determining future demand. It will also provide information on on versus off street charging sites and what to consider when thinking about public facing EV charging infrastructure.
Presenter and/or Author Information Edward Stubbing, AECOM Canada Limited

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