Submission ID 102797

Session Title AM - Innovations in Asset Management
Title A Comprehensive Risk-Based Model for Safer Sidewalk Asset Management in the District of Saanich
Abstract or description

The existing approach to managing sidewalk assets focuses on assessing their physical conditions, primarily through the Sidewalk Condition Index (SCI) for project prioritization. However, sidewalk blocks, particularly concrete slabs, exhibit significant variations. Depending solely on an average condition indicated by the SCI may result in overlooking specific localized issues, such as vertical displacements or obstructions at particular spots, leading to potential trip hazards. In simpler terms, a sidewalk block might have a favorable average condition according to the SCI but may not necessarily be a safe sidewalk.

To address this, a more effective approach involves adopting a risk-based analysis for sidewalk evaluation. This method considers the likelihood of physical failure based on both the average condition and the number of vertical displacements in a sidewalk block. Additionally, factors like obstructions and narrow sidewalks are taken into account, influencing the probability of sidewalk functional failure. Moreover, the analysis estimates the criticality or impact of the sidewalk, considering its location and connectivity to the roadway and active transportation system. This comprehensive approach, unlike the current one-dimensional method, takes into consideration asset interconnectivity, providing a more holistic approach to asset management.

This study specifically outlines the utilization of a risk-based analysis for the sidewalks in the District of Saanich, encompassing 288 km of concrete and asphalt sidewalks. The process involves translating detailed condition indices into probabilities, incorporating hazard events to enhance likelihood assessments, quantifying the likelihood of functional failure, and determining criticality and risk scores to effectively prioritize sidewalk projects.


Presentation Description (for Conference App) Current sidewalk asset management using the Sidewalk Condition Index (SCI) may miss localized hazards, risking safety. This study advocates a risk-based analysis for Saanich's 288 km of sidewalks, integrating detailed conditions to prioritize projects effectively, ensuring safer walkways by addressing specific issues like vertical displacements and obstructions.
Presenter and/or Author Information Kamran Rafiei, Tetra Tech Canada Inc.
Troy McKay, Other

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