Submission ID 102502

Session Title MO - Innovative Support Systems for Maintenance & Operations
Title Crash Truck Safety Review, Ontario Ministry of Transportation
Abstract or description

Crash trucks are used to protect maintenance and construction crews and emergency services operating on or near highways, by directing traffic using signage and lighting and preventing injury using energy attenuators.  While the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has developed and implemented standards for their deployment, the number of collisions with crash trucks and of resulting injuries has increased.  A study was undertaken to identify approaches to improve crash truck conspicuity, recognition and safety.


The study included several tasks.  Knowledge was captured from earlier studies on conspicuity of snow removal equipment through a review of recent North American experience and of the 2013 MTO Snow Removal Equipment Visibility Value Engineering Study and the related TAC Snow Removal Visibility Guideline (2015).  Findings were compared and extrapolated to three crash truck operating scenarios.  A safety review was undertaken to demonstrate the scope and context of crash truck incidents in Ontario.  Human Factors review provided understanding of differences in signage-driver interactions among various alternatives. A workshop and industry consultation were held to consider practical and other factors in solution design, selection and implementation.


Crash truck safety is a concern across Canada.  Sharing findings with other Road Authorities provides the opportunity to increase the consistency of vehicle features across Canada.  This will enhance public recognition and appropriate response, to improve road safety. 

Presentation Description (for Conference App) The presentation will introduce the context of collisions with crash trucks, review the findings of previous projects and their application to this study, describe findings and recommendations and outline a proposed implementation plan.
Presenter and/or Author Information Andrew Alkins, Ontario Ministry of Transportation
Heather McClintock, WSP Canada Inc.

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