Submission ID 101833

Session Title DA - Transportation Data and Analytics
Title Transparent Snow Plow Operations through Public Live Mapping
Abstract or description

In Edmonton, ensuring safe winter roads is paramount. To address public concerns and maximize the value of tax dollars, we've implemented a transparent live plow tracking system. This innovative technology enables real-time tracking of plow movements and snow-clearing activities, enhancing both operational efficiency and transparency in our efforts to maintain safe winter roads for our community.

This solution provides a user-friendly interface displaying plow locations, routes, and progress. Citizens can access this map via a web application or mobile device, allowing them to anticipate plow arrival times, plan routes, and stay informed about road conditions.

This presentation will delve into the hurdles encountered while implementing this technology. Key challenges revolved around guaranteeing real-time data accuracy, crafting a user-friendly interface, the public's demand for greater accountability, safety concerns for staff and seamlessly integrating diverse systems. 

Moving forward, automated machine learning route completion statistics, live look user access and ongoing improvements are at the top of mind. Enhancements based on user feedback, advancements in technology, and additional features for better communication with the public are on the horizon.

The public live map of plows stands as a testament to our commitment to transparency, efficiency, and community engagement. By overcoming technological challenges, incorporating public input, and ensuring staff buy-in, we've created a tool that not only enhances snow plow operations but also fosters a stronger connection between the municipality and its residents.

Presentation Description (for Conference App)
Presenter and/or Author Information Valerie Dacyk, City of Edmonton

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