Submission ID 92316

Session Title TO - #InnovativeTrafficControl
Title Proactive monitoring of infrastructure helps identify, prioritize and resolve signal maintenance, operations and performance issues


Maintaining traffic signal systems can be challenging. Planning efficient and effective maintenance schedules and going onsite to make sure that cabinet components, controllers, communication and the signal infrastructure operate properly and in harmony can be time-consuming for traffic teams. Additionally, responding to road user complaints and trying to achieve the agency's signal timing objectives while keeping wide-scale signal timings up to date can add to the challenge, particularly when traffic teams are tasked with doing more with less.   

Proactive monitoring of traffic signal infrastructure and operations can help identify and resolve inefficiencies in a timely manner. ATSPMs leverage existing infrastructure at the intersection to enable the continuous monitoring of the traffic performance. However, a drawback for ATSPMs is the need to manually analyze enormous amounts of data to draw conclusions and create meaningful and actionable insights. The amount of information that is available, especially when deployed at scale, significantly constraints traffic departments from taking full advantage of signal performance data, gaining insights, and proactively maintaining their networks. 

This informative session discusses the common challenges of maintaining traffic networks and how technology can leverage the existing infrastructure, continually scan the data, and make you aware of issues according to severity and priority of the problem. We will also highlight how software-only automated systems can provide easy-to-understand signal performance measures and actionable insights that notify you about issues before they become bigger and more costly problems.

Presentation Description (max. 50 words) This informative session discusses the common challenges of maintaining traffic networks and how software-only automated systems can leverage the existing intersection infrastructure, continually scan the data, and make you aware of issues according to severity and priority of issues before they become bigger and more costly problems.
Presenter / Author Information Olivia Babcock, P. Eng., Miovision

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