Submission ID 92304

Session Title RS - Road Safety Analysis
Title Bringing Part of the Real Word to the Test Track

In today's world, vehicles’ Crash Avoidance Systems are expected to react to a multitude of events, occurring randomly and simultaneously. While driving, a pedestrian crosses path, a cyclist is sharing the road and lane markings are guiding the vehicle along to its destination safely until the driver intervenes. Back on the test track, traditional procedures are focused on challenging one system at a time in a controlled environment.  There is a wide range of procedures to challenge the current Advanced Driver Assistance System SAE L2 of automation on a test track, using surrogate motorized dummies such as adult and child pedestrians, motorcycle, and cars.  Lane Support System has various levels of assistance for the driver to maintain the lane, alert of potential deviation, and correct when necessary.  Speed limit sign are recognized and provide information to the driver, and can, on certain model reduce the speed of the vehicle for safe operation.  Transport Canada, through its testing capabilities at the Motor Vehicle Test Centre has been interested in the compound effect of triggering various systems sequentially through an obstacle course to provide a fast and repeatable assessment of a vehicle's on-board technologies.  This project focused on developing a close loop circuit that would trigger the technologies described above in one test sequence.  Over 10 vehicles have been tested in this fashion to replicate real world attributes in a controlled environment.  The intent is to analyze the reliability and robustness of vehicles’ assistance systems.  This circuit is modular and could include more advanced technologies such as evasive steering technologies, or future connectivity to infrastructure, as technologies mature and are made available on the Canadian market.  This modular approach provides information on the interaction of multi systems and informs researchers rapidly on the state of the technology in a sequence of real-world events conducted safely on a test track. This presentation will highlight the challenges of designing test methods and assessing technologies.

Presentation Description (max. 50 words) This presentation will showcase crash avoidance technologies and test methodologies development from real-world to a controlled test track environment.
Presenter / Author Information Dominique Charlebois, Transport Canada

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