Submission ID 92396

Session Title TP - Health, Equity, and Transportation
Title Promoting Health and Equity through Transportation Mobility Choice in the Vaughan Transportation Plan

The Vaughan Transportation Plan (VTP) is the long-range Transportation Master Plan for the City of Vaughan and will provide direction for future transportation-related studies, projects, initiatives, policies, and decisions to establish a network supportive of all users. The vision for the VTP is to provide high-quality, attractive, competitive, and sustainable mobility choices to every resident, business, and visitor in Vaughan. This vision recognizes that residents of the City of Vaughan are accustomed to driving as the most convenient mode. The VTP aims educate and inform residents and businesses about other travel options, such as transit, walking and cycling, reducing the number of cars on the road and greenhouse gas emissions. The VTP also recognizes and works to leverage emerging transportation technologies which may have significant benefits in the future. This includes considering future impacts of climate change on existing and planned infrastructure.

Identifying and prioritizing projects in the VTP was undertaken through a needs assessment methodology, explicitly considering equity indicators for different areas in Vaughan, including low-income households, seniors, and zero-car households, to ensure that they would be served by recommended improvements. Alternatives were evaluated by comparing how different transportation futures would serve City residents, businesses, and visitors by providing greater access to people and jobs and reduce emissions.

The VTP recognizes its opportunity to promote health and equity by providing greater mobility choice in the City of Vaughan through the evaluation of transportation alternatives and policy recommendations.

Presentation Description (max. 50 words) The Vaughan Transportation Plan (VTP) is the long-range Transportation Master Plan for the City of Vaughan, with the vision of providing high-quality, attractive, competitive, and sustainable mobility choices in Vaughan. This presentation will describe how the VTP promotes health and equity through transportation alternative evaluation and policy recommendations.
Presenter / Author Information Peter Chen, HDR
Chris Tam, City of Vaughan

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