Submission ID 92378

Session Title EN - Implementing Projects for Regulatory Success
Title Nose Creek Re-alignment - Working with Multi-disciplines and Regulators to Improve Transportation Impacts/Interfacing with Natural Assets

In order to construct the 40th Avenue bridge over Hwy 2 in Airdrie, Nose Creek had to be re-aligned to construct the east abutment (piling; grading, etc.). Discussions with the regulators to re-align the creek began with identifying the issues with the creek acting as the Hwy ditch drainage (direct runoff and no protection from spills). During the initial stages of the design the indirect opportunity to improve the wildlife co-corridor and aquatic life was taken. With engineers and technical experts from various disciplines and companies (Channel Hydrology, Environmental, Transportation, Structures) feeding into the final design and multiple owners (Alberta Transportation, City of Airdrie, and Rockyview County), a lesson learned was establishing the revegetation and ecological priorities early in the design.

Once into construction, the project team (Ellisdon, AE and the City of Airdrie) provided further innovation through thickening the topsoil to support the willow and vegetation growth, utilising live willow plantings to better guarantee successful establishment, and a v-notch through the length of the channel to provide connectivity for fish passage.

The project team has watched the animals, birds, and fish flourish within the new channel, even after less then a year of being completed. The City and AE are now looking at how we can further add to this feature and provide a pathway for all of us to enjoy this natural habitat.

Presentation Description (max. 50 words) Nose Creek had to be re-aligned as part of the 40th Avenue Interchange. With experts from various disciplines and companies feeding into the final design and multiple, a lesson learned was establishing the revegetation and ecological priorities early in the design. Once into construction, the project team provided further innovation.
Presenter / Author Information Scott Etzel, Associated Engineering AB Ltd

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