Submission ID 92297

Session Title TP - Applications of Data in Transportation Planning
Title Demonstrating how the future of transportation impacts development designs and priorities using data

Focus on green infrastructure has been a priority for government bodies across Canada in line with the federal government’s commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, which means our economy either emits no greenhouse gas or offsets its emissions. However, the private developers may not have been sufficiently aware of all the benefits brought by integrating sustainability in the design to future proof their developments.

In this presentation, we will show how the zero-emission mobility options (i.e., ZEVs, bicycle, pedestrian facilities) and green strategies could be incorporated in the new development plans which will support these developments to become more sustainable and resilient to the future. These strategies and design components will be supported with emerging municipal incentives for promoting sustainable development, i.e., green initiatives such as providing electric vehicle charging stations in residential parking lot, and mode shift observed by surveying data, i.e., Transportation Tomorrow Survey data which shows the evidence that more and more residents in Toronto are switching to cycling.

The data analysis will demonstrate the potential for promoting green infrastructure implementation in the Canadian market, increasing climate change resiliency and supporting clients’ initiatives to promote green infrastructure developments.

Presentation Description (max. 50 words)
Presenter / Author Information Michael Cavallaro, Arup
Liyuan Chen, Arup

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