Submission ID 92262

Session Title CC - Climate Change Adaptation
Title Climate Change Risk Assessments for 3 Ontario Bridges

CBCL is currently completing three Climate Risk Assessments for three Government of Canada bridge assets in Ontario, including the Burlington Lift Bridge, the LaSalle Causeway Bascule Bridge, and the Des Joachims Bridge. This presentation will discuss the work performed for these assessments.


The goal of the assessment is to identify vulnerable components within the bridge systems and supporting infrastructure that may be at risk of failure, loss of service, damage, and/or deterioration from climate change and extreme weather, and to recommend adaptation action plans to inform future asset management and operations.


Key bridge components that could be impacted by climate change and extreme weather were identified, and projections were developed for relevant parameters that could potentially impact those components in the near-, mid- or long-term. This information is being used to assess potential climate related impacts and prioritize the highest risks associated with extreme weather and climate change to the bridge systems and site operations.


Key tasks included:

  • Review of available infrastructure drawings, inspection reports, and applicable standards documents to characterize site assets and existing conditions.
  • Site visit to observe the bridge systems and supporting infrastructure and confirm the existing conditions as inferred from the background documentation provided.
  • Assessment of climate change projections (baseline, mid-term, and long-term) for each region and identification of climate parameters which may present a hazard to the assets from a physical, operational, or health and safety perspective (e.g., intense rainfall, snow and ice storms, extreme winds).
  • Identifications of data gaps and preparation of site-specific questionnaires to supplement data where possible.
  • Conduct a PIEVC Risk Assessment to identify potential impacts of climate change on various aspects of the proposed asset components including structural components, mechanical and electrical systems, coastal infrastructure, and site civil features.
  • Facilitate risk assessment workshops with key project stakeholders from each site to incorporate local expertise and confirm the findings of the risk assessment.
  • Prioritize risks to identify adaptation options for management and operation of the assets. Develop recommendations for incorporating climate resilience into infrastructure design and/or management.



Presentation Description (max. 50 words) CBCL is currently completing three Climate Risk Assessments for three Government of Canada bridge assets in Ontario, including the Burlington Lift Bridge, the LaSalle Causeway Bascule Bridge, and the Des Joachims Bridge. This presentation will discuss the work performed for these assessments.
Presenter / Author Information Lindsay Allen, CBCL Limited
Mark Scanlon, CBCL Limited

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