Submission ID 92261

Session Title DA - Digital Twinning for Transportation Assets
Title Can a Digital Twin be Procedurally Generated Using Existing GIS Data?

The current trend of building digital twins for transportation infrastructure in cities is rapidly gaining momentum. While the definition of a “digital twin” varies on one’s perspective, data is a fundamental requirement. This poses a challenge since there are few, if any standards that exist for digital twins which makes data collection even more expensive than it already is.

However, most road authorities in all levels of government have access to data that represents its transportation infrastructure in varying degrees of fidelity. This presentation will explore the possibility that existing data can be processed using the geographic information system, also known as GIS, that likely already houses this data to procedurally generate a digital twin.

The variety of perspectives of what a digital twin is will ultimately inform us if this is possible. But this process can help give us clarity to the fundamental description of what a digital twin can be.

Presentation Description (max. 50 words) The variety of perspectives of what a digital twin is will ultimately inform us if this is possible. But this process can help give us clarity to the fundamental description of what a digital twin can be.
Presenter / Author Information Arif K. Rafiq, Esri Canada

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